Sunday, February 20, 2011

RTN035: PJTR KAUFMANN "Horroncourt"

G/M 2011. Fings...n.Ching[bigBRO2,Thrung]
BizAsNec the 2Late2s bring DAPitch DAnews: Intro:Vert'd-pissnast de-lay'd 2 ki$$ the MIGHTY!{INCL:YOU ARE NO FRIENDS OF MINE}. TheDormant pins YR p/r)ooff ALstillSWELL 'N' Minnie Mousse RIDES, HEREsth Dnc-O-ROCK-MUSIC! took a flight to horroncourt made my limbs unsure, so i dwell on one"N"one"N"one"N"one"N"one"N"one 4YOU. next ad.