Today we present the download of a non Ramin Ton member. it's the debut album of Cheap Cigarettes, a christmas release of befriended Sweden-based Stine Sterk
"I wish I was an intellectual" contains 12 songs about fat, cancer, velvet, bice, kenneth anger & perfect abusal.
01. Xmas Intro, 02. Fat snack, 03. All over the world, 04. Cancer #1, 05. Ours a love, 06. Don't go K Anger, 07. Bicecream, 08. Boom boom beach house, 09. Lovesong, 10. Your box in the middle of my dog, 11. Shake that hoe, 12. Xmas Outro
swedish rock blog review
listen to "Don't go K Anger":
download "I wish I was an intellectual"

there wasn't any "please, no" in my head. only sweet thoughts of perfect abusal.
(panest says the captcha.) all hits
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